I remember in school having this thought of wanting to be a midwife. I didn't really know what it was, but there was something deep down that just told me its what I wanted to be. After school I looked forward to having a baby one day.
Then, one fateful day ;-) , I went to my local library and saw a book there called "Birthing From Within". I flipped through the pages and saw fascinating pictures drawn of birth. I took the book out and started reading. I didn't put it down. At times I was so overcome with emotion that I started crying, but I just sucked in every single word. It's like something clicked. It was like I'd been let in on this secret that was held within the pages of this book, and carried deep down in the souls of all women (whether they know it are not).
I think this book helped plant a seed that has blossomed in so many ways in my life. While my own birth story didn't go anything like I had hoped, I still haven't lost hope in what I connected to while reading Birthing From Within. I can honestly say it was a life-changing experience for me - and that was just from *reading*!
These days there is a fabulous lady I have come to know (and admire greatly) who now offers what is in the book as a course. I can't imagine how amazing it must be to have the full experience of doing all the practical exercises mentioned in the book, with other people who are also learning things about themselves. I can only imagine that the classes hold some very special memories for people, and have a profound effect on the birth of the child, and the birth of a couple as parents.
Her name is Rosalia (affectionately shortened to Lia, from what I know). So far the classes are only taught in JHB.
You can find out more on her website called Birthing in Awareness
You can also learn more about Birthing From Within on their website, as well as find the locations of classes internationally offered.
If you can't make the classes, and are expecting a baby, I highly recommend reading the book. I think that book made me loose all fear of childbirth and really just give in and be fully present in the process of natural birth.
It can be purchased on Kalahari for R220.00
Or my other favorite place to buy online, Loot, for R187.00
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