Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Go Organic!

I found this interesting link about how to change your childrens diets over to healthy alternatives and it got me thinking :)

For me it all started in Pregnancy. I was very careful what I was eating as I was really focused on doing all that I could to grow a healthy baby. I cut out caffeine, things with added sugar, i don't eat red meat so I started eating more ostrich as a healthy alternative, I ate loads of fruit and veggies and kept away from the usual stuff like sushi (that was hard!), soft cheeses and, of course, alcohol!

I was also quite excited to see that Woolworths is really expanding on both organic foods and earth-friendly cleaning products! Staying away from poisonous cleaning products is also worth considering, not to mention hair colours. Henna is a great substitute by the way!

Once the baby is here, and you get to the point of starting solids, you can also find various organic first foods. Woolworths has a range (of course) but if you need something that can be stored for longer than their fresh foods I would suggest Olli Organic. Baby's should not be having sugar and salt when they first start solids, and you will be horrified to see that they are listed as ingredients in Purity baby food.

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